Bruce is subject editor for NDT&E International – the top ranked journal in this field. He leads the world-class Ultrasonics and Non-Destructive Testing Group at Bristol. He won the Vice Chancellor’s Economic Impact award in 2017 for his array imaging work which is widely used in industry, e.g. the wheel array device he developed is the standard inspection method for composite components on the Airbus A320. He was an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow. In 2010 he received the Roy Shape Prize for significant contribution to NDE research and in 2017 he received a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. He is currently on the Executive Board of the EPSRC/industry funded Research Centre in Non-Destructive Evaluation (EP/L022125), and leads the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Innovation in Non-Destructive evaluation (FIND) (EP/S023275/1).
Related publications
- Peng, C., Bai, L., Zhang, J., & Drinkwater, B. W. (2018). The sizing of small surface-breaking fatigue cracks using ultrasonic arrays. NDT and E Int., 99(March), 64–71.
- Velichko, A., Bai, L., & Drinkwater, B. W. (2017). Ultrasonic defect characterization using parametric-manifold mapping. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science, 473(2202), 20170056.
- Nowers, O., Duxbury, D. J., & Drinkwater, B. W. (2016). Ultrasonic array imaging through an anisotropic austenitic steel weld using an efficient ray-tracing algorithm. NDT and E Int., 79.
- Fan, C., Caleap, M., Pan, M., & Drinkwater, B. W. (2014). A comparison between ultrasonic array beamforming and super resolution imaging algorithms for non-destructive evaluation. Ultrasonics, 54(7), 1842–1850.
- Li, C., Pain, D., Wilcox, P. D., & Drinkwater, B. W. (2013). Imaging composite material using ultrasonic arrays. NDT & E Int., 53, 8–17.