Chris is Chair of the Institution of Civil Engineers Research, Development & Innovation towards Engineering Excellence Panel, and has served in senior editorial roles of Tunnelling & Underground Space Technology since 1996. He has been a member of various US Transportation Research Board Buried Infrastructure Committees since 1987 and has been a member of a loose association of international researchers working on trenchless technology for more than 20 years. PI of Assessing the Underworld (EP/K021699) project, he has led the pioneering Mapping the Underworld initiative since its inception in 2004. His second major research interest is in future cities, in which he has exceptional experience leading large trans-disciplinary projects: for example, he was PI of the Liveable Cities (EP/J017698) Programme Grant and two SUE consortia researching sustainability, resilience and liveability. He was Deputy PI of a consortium researching infrastructure interdependencies and novel business models (EP/K012938), and hence allied forms of infrastructure governance, and fed directly into UK Government thinking on far future cities by serving as a member of the Foresight Future of Cities project. He is also PI and Director of UKCRIC’s National Buried Infrastructure Facility (NBIF, EP/P013635), founding partner of UKCRIC’s £128M capital bid, and the Director of Research Integration for UKCRIC’s Coordination Node. He has been PI of 26, and CI of 12, EPSRC grants and was a member of REF2014 sub-panel 15 on General Engineering.
Related publications
- Hojjati, A., Jefferson, I., Metje, N. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2017). Embedding Sustainability Criteria into Pre-Appraisal of Underground Utility for Future Cities. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Urban Design and Planning, 170 (6), 258-271. DOI: 10.1680/jurdp.17.00023
- Bouch, C.J., Rogers, C.D.F., Powell, M. and Horsfall, D. (2018). Developing Alternative Business Models for Smart Infrastructure. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Smart Infrastructure and Construction, 171(2), 77-87. DOI: 10.1680/jsmic.18.00003.
- Hojjati, A., Jefferson, I., Metje, N. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2018). Sustainability Assessment for Urban Utility Infrastructure Streetworks. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Engineering Sustainability, 171(2), 68–80.
- Makana, L.O., Metje, N., Jefferson, I., Sackey, M. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2018). Cost Estimation of Utility Strikes: Towards Proactive Management of Street Works. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Infrastructure Asset Management. doi: 10.1680/jinam.17.00033.
- Rogers, C.D.F. (2018). Engineering Future Liveable, Resilient, Sustainable Cities Using Foresight. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Civil Engineering, 171 (6), 3-9. DOI: 10.1680/jcien.17.00031.