Kirill is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America and Coordinating Editor (since 2008) for the Society Journal – a top international journal on acoustics. His main research interests are in novel sensors for water industry, acoustic materials and physical acoustics. He leads the EPSRC Programme Grant Pervasive Sensing for Buried Pipes (, EPSRC UK Acoustics Network ( and Theme 3 (Inspecting and restoring water infrastructures using robotic autonomous systems) on the EPSRC TWENTY65 Grand Challenges Grant ( He is a CI on the EPSRC Laboratory for Validation and Verification (LVV) grant ( He led the development of SewerBattTM technology (with support from EPSRC/Royal Society) that is used by major UK water companies (e.g. Southern and Thames). He was a member of REF2014 sub-panel 14. He is an expert on the Advisory Board for the H2020 EU UNEXMIN project on mine robotics.
Related publications
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- Prisutova, K. V. Horoshenkov, B. Bruno, J. P. Groby, An application of normal mode decomposition to measure the acoustical properties of low growing plants in a broad frequency range, J. Appl. Acoust., DOI: (2016).
- Dolcetti, K. Horoshenkov, A. Krynkin, and S. Tait, Frequency-wavenumber spectrum of the free surface of shallow turbulent flows over a rough boundary, J. Phys. Fluids, 28, 105105 (2016). DOI: 10.1063/1.4964926.
- Plihal, F. Kretschmer, Th. Ertl, M. T. Bin Ali, K. V. Horoshenkov and A. Romanova, A novel method for rapid inspection of sewer networks: combining acoustic and optical means, Special Issue of J. Sewer Asset Management,
- Duan, J. Prisutova, R. Kirby and K. V. Horoshenkov, On the use of power reflection ratio and phase change to determine the geometry of a blockage in a pipe, J. Appl. Acoust., Vol. 87, 190-197 (2015). DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2014.07.002.